Daily Archives: December 7, 2017

Thursday December 7th, 2017


-Silent Reading

-Novel share:  You will be getting together in groups.  Each group must contain a representative from each of the novels we are studying in our Literature circles

a)  Each person will share what their novel is about

b)  Each person will share what they have learned about the novel (lessons on life, personal/social/cultural connections) and any historical information that they learned as a backdrop to their novel.

c) Answer any questions that other members of your group may have…

-You will have time to prepare your Literature Circle Role for Friday.  Please ensure your role sheet is ready to go…this role sheet will be posted onto your blog.  In addition, you will be doing a Lit. Circle Reflection (after your discussion on Friday).

Your Post on Friday will include:

a)  Your completed role sheet

b) Your Lit. Circle Reflection

Tag:  NelsonLitCircleReflection2