Monthly Archives: September 2015

English 10: Thursday September 17th, 2015

Good Morning!

*Reminder that the Prose Fiction Rewrite will be today at lunch.

*Yesterday for homework, you were to complete your “Paragraph Writing Template”. 

-Today you will write out your template into a rough draft of your paragraph.  As you write out your draft, you should have in front of you:

  *transitional expressions:  if you do not have any, please add.

*Incorporating Quotes: Ensure that your quotes are properly incorporated.

Peer Edit Review: Sam the Athlete In sharepoint in the writing folder.  You are to complete this doc. for a partner/ your partner should complete this for you.  This will provide you with feedback for your paragraph which will then help you improve upon your paragraph.

* Your paragraph is due Friday September 18th, 2015.

-We will start to read the short story “House” by Jane Rule.


English 10: Wednesday September 16, 2016

Good Morning!

-Prose Fiction Terms Quiz:  It is marked and I will give you a chance to look through it.


*The topic sentence, the main idea, unity and support and examples: we will go over

*Incorporating Quotes (found in the writing folder on sharepoint)

*Transitional Expressions (found in the writing folder on sharepoint)

*Marking Rubrics: also on sharepoint

Persuasive Paragraph for “Sam the Athlete”

-Yes/No Chart -should be complete now

Paragraph Writing Template: found on sharepoint.  This is the template that you will use to draft up your paragraph…


English 10: Tuesday September 15th

Good Morning!

-Prose Fiction Terms Quiz

-Persuasive Writing

*Power Point

-Writing: The documents below can be found in the writing folder on sharepoint

*The Main Idea/Topic Sentence

     *Incorporating Quotes

     *Transitional Expressions

     *Marking Rubrics

-Persuasive Paragraph

“Did Sam Make the Right Decision to continue to wear the skirt?”

*Yes/No chart

*Paragraph Writing Template: Found in the writing Folder on Sharepoint



English 10: Monday September 14th, 2015

Good Morning!

1) On Friday we did not have a chance to finish our group activity.  You were to apply the “Style” techniques that an author may use to the short story “Sam the Athlete”.   You were to Highlight/Label the example.  Your group will be sharing your findings.

group 1  59-60

group 2  61-62

group 3  63-64

group 4  65-66

group 5  67-68

group 6  69-70

group 7  70-72

2) For Homework over the weekend, you were to complete a “short story summary” for “Sam the Athlete”. We will go over this in class.

3) Paragraph question “Did Sam make the right decision to continue wearing the team skirt?”

-Please open the document in sharepoint ->short story folder “Sam the Athlete yes no chart”.  You most complete this chart before  starting your paragraph.

4) Persuasive Writing power point

5) If time allows…

-The topic sentence/the main idea

-incorporating quotes

-marking rubrics

-transitional expressions

6) “Paragraph Writing Template”: students are to work on this as a guideline for how your paragraphs should be written…



English 10: Friday September 11th

Good Morning!

1) Yesterday we read “The Paper Bag Princess”. In addition, we worked on a “short story summary”. Today, we will go over this short story summary sheet sheet.

2) Today we are going to start a new short story by Stuart Mclean called “Sam the Athlete”.  We will read this aloud.

3) Discuss style of writing: In sharepoint, in the writing folder you will find a handout called “What is Style”. We will read this aloud as a class.

Activity:  In groups, we will find examples of different writing techniques that the author Stuart Mclean uses in “Sam the Athlete”.
Highlight and label the examples that you find.  We will have to come back to this activity on Monday as many students were called out for photos.

* Please complete a “Short Story Summary” for “Sam the Athlete”.

*Reminder of our “Prose Ficiton Terms Quiz” on Tuesday.


English 10: Thursday September 10, 2015

Good Morning!

Today we are going to be going over the following:

1) Course Outline:  Found in Sharepoint:  You will have to log in to sharepoint under “Classes” ->”Nelson->English 10.  Please bookmark this page…it will save you a lot of time each day.


2) Prose Fiction Terms:  In sharepoint ->English 10 -> Short Stories.  We will go through these terms so please review.

*There will be a Prose Fiction Terms Quiz on Tuesday September 15th.

3)  “The Paper Bag Princess”:  We will read through this children’s story aloud in class.  This is an intro story to our short story unit so we can get familiarized with applying or prose fiction terms to the stories that we read.  You will then complete a “short story summary” for this story (also found in the short story folder on sharepoint).