Good Morning!
We are going to be dividing into groups based on the issue you chose to write your reflection on
1) Sibling rivalry
2) Jealousy
3) Conformity
4) spiritual beliefs
*within your groups you will be dividing even further into groups of 3-4. One person will be the recorder and will write down your groups thoughts.
Within your group, you will discuss the items you wrote about in the draft of your reflection.
-Is there anything you want to change or add?
-Class time will be given to write out your good copy of your reflection:
This story explores issues such as sibling rivalry, jealousy, conformity and spiritual beliefs. Choose one issue and write about its importance in the story.
*This will be posted on to Edublogs. Categorize it in English 10, and give it the tag: NelsonForgivenessinFamiliesA
-Complete questions 1-3 at the end of the story and be prepared to discuss…