Astronomy Wonder Project

Is Space Infinite, or Finite?

There are people who went to the space and who is living in the space now, but no one has not found the end of the space yet. That is why many people including me wants to know and find out the space is finite or infinite. There are many kind of theories about either the space is infinite or finite, and I am going to write theories that seems like the answer or I believe.

First, this theory is the one I believe most, the space may be still expanding, if the space is not infinite. It means there may be the end of the space, but the space is getting bigger and bigger, so it is hard to find the end of the space. This theory was discovered by Hubble, Newton and Einstein. When they found the gravity, they thought if the universe were truly finite, the attractive forces of all the objects in the universe should have caused to the universe to collapse or expand, but the universe had not happened, so they discovered the universe may be expanding, if the space is not infinite.

Second, the space may be reasonably smooth and globally finite. This theory is discovered by Stephen Hawking. It says that time and space exist in the space and As well as the end. It is just too big to find out, but it is able to be tested, but the infinite space is not able to be tested.

In conclusion, there are a lot of mystery about the space and the finite, or infinite space is probably the most curious thing that we want to find out. However, no one has not founded yet. That is why scientists, physicians and people argue that the space is either finite, or infinite. As people keep working on finding the answer, we should wait and work on finding the answer.
