week 8 -pre-cal 11

Quadratic Function

the different between Q equation and function are:

the  function could be graph with the y-axis and x-axis,

the equation is to solve to find the root of it and not involve the y variable.


6 important points of the Q function are below.

1.Vertex is the point of the maxmium or minimum of the ‘U’ shape graph,

ex: the parents Quadratic function is y=x^2, the vertex is (o,0)

2. line of symmetry is the line in the center of the U shape that each part are symmetric。 the x=o for the parent function. the line of symmetry’s “x” is always the first number of the vertex (0,0)

3. x-intercepte , always has 2 coordinations,

4. y-intercept is when x=0, (0.y)

5, Domain, is the scope of the X of the function,  D of y=x^2 is x=R

6. the Range,is the scope of the Y of the function R of  y=x^2 is y>=0. (the second number of vertex (0,0))


The Quadratic function is different from linear function which is a straight line through the entrie graph (ex ,y=X+2), due to the  quadratic function’s highest degree of x is 2 and has 2 roots whereas the linear fiction just has one root and degree of 1, so the shape always shows as a U shape (ex, y=x^2+2).

(linear function doesn’t have a vertex or line of symmetry)