Tuesday, 31 May 2016: Homework

List all of the classes that Harry Potter must take at Hogwarts.  These are all listed in the beginning of Chapter 8, and before Harry goes into Snape’s classroom.

You must pick TWO classes and explain what the students learn.  The other classes you may just give a name.


A reminder that your Character Charts will also be due at the end of class tomorrow, Wednesday, 1 June 2016 at 10:10am.  If you would like to take them home and work on them, that is okay.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016: Gateway to “Heavier Drugs”

Congratulations!  You have finished your last session of ChatterHigh!

Today, we will be looking over three other substances considered to be some of the most severe and most dangerous: Heroine, Cocaine, and Ecstasy.

IMPORTANT: On Friday, 3 June 2016 you will have your unit test on Drugs and Substance Abuse.  It will take the entire block.  Please bring any questions you have about the test during class; I will set aside five minutes at the beginning of each block for questions.