Monday, 9 May 2016: Starting New Unit – HEALTH!

Welcome to the Health Unit in Planning 10!  Our first section will be on the topic of Drugs and Alcohol.  Please first watch this video on the Science Behind Addiction.

When you finish the video, you need to write a response (minimum one paragraph).  It can be on anything you like about the video, such as a point you found really interesting, a point you agreed/disagreed with and why, something you have more questions about, etc.

This is due AT THE END OF CLASS as in 11:45AM.  That does not mean at lunch.  That does not mean at 4:12pm.  That does not mean in two days.  It means BEFORE YOU TUCK IN YOUR CHAIRS AND VACATE THE ROOM!

I have nothing but the utmost faith!  =)


Look forward to reading your responses.