6 April 2016: Banks and Credit Unions

Here is a chart comparing and contrasting Banks and Credit Unions.  Go through this as a group and be ready to discuss!  A Closer Look at Banks and Credit Unions  We will go through it together as a class.  What do you notice?

The list below is a mix of banks and credit unions.  Identify whether or not each is a bank or a credit union.  Don’t just read the name and make assumptions – go to their websites and double-check!

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Toronto Dominion (TD)
Westminster Savings
Bank of Montreal (BMO)
Capital One
Canadian Bank of Imperial Commerce (CIBC)
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)

Can you name any other local banks or credit unions?

Answer and expand upon the following questions in a thoughtful paragraph.  I statements are not just fine, they are welcome!  This is due by 11:55am (the end of class) by email to Ms. Hopkin.

  1. What are the pros and cons of a credit union vs. a bank?
  2. Which one do you think you would prefer?
  3. Are there certain things one might be better for, and vice versa?  What kinds of things are these, and why?

Be prepared to discuss the content of your paragraphs as a group.  You will be receiving a mark out of five on your contributions to the discussion on these topics today.


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