Journal Response #3 – House

Journal Response #3 – House

  1. Rule uses humour to develop the story by being ironic and switching the stereotypical role of the woman and the man around. He makes Harry who is the husband of Anna to be the one who cares more about fitting in than the woman. He wants to settle down and buy a house, he thinks this is important for the family to fit in.
  2. Give examples from the story and identify the type of irony.
    1. Harry took the role of the stereotypical woman – Situational Irony
    2. Harry did all this work just to realize he didn’t want to fit in as much as he thought he did – Dramatic Irony
  3. At what point in the story did Harry’s attitude toward the house and ordinary life style change?
    1. Harry’s attitude toward the house and ordinary life style changed after he found his family smashing down the wall in between the two bedrooms. Harry realized that be conventional wasn’t the way his family was and that he wanted to live a simple life instead of caring about fitting in. He regretted selling the boat which was a symbol of the way their life was; it was simple and comforting.