Week 17 in Math 10

This week in Math we finished our last unit Systems of Linear Relations. It was very similar to the last few units, however this time we are dealing with two linear equations, which is what system means. The goal is to find the point in which these two lines intercept each other. There are a three ways we learned to find these points, by graphing, by substitution and by elimination. To find a point by graphing is to get both the equations to Y-intercept form and graph them. It isn’t the most practical way to find a point but it helps me understand the concept of this unit. To solve a Linear System by substitution you have to change one of the equations so one of the variables is isolated, so if I have 2x-y=3 I can change it to 2x-3=y. The next step is to take the 2x-3 and input it where the y would be in the other equation and solve it. Now you have one half of the solution. The last step is to input that in to either equation, once you solve that you have to other point in the coordinate. Finally we have elimination, which is probably the easiest way to solve a system. To start you have to get cancel out one of the variables in the equation by adding or subtracting. For example if I have 2x+2y=5 and 3x-2y=7 then all I need to do is add them together to get 5x=12 which means x=12/5. Lastly, you would input 12/5 to get Y. You can also verify your answer to make sure it’s right by inputting the numbers you got in to both equations.

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