How it occurred?

Holocaust could’ve been prevented but individuals and groups decided not to do anything. The Nazi’s believed that the Jews are an evil and low race and it affected how the Germans lived. In 1933, Nazis came to power and used propaganda’s to make the Jews look bad. Also, there was a law that was passed by the Nazi’s called the Nuremberg Law. The law took away all human rights of the Jews, they couldn’t go to universities, schools, and were not allowed to sit on a bench in the park. Most Jews wanted to leave Germany, but it was very difficult because countries would find excuses on why they couldn’t take any more refugees. The Nazis would also strip them off their clothes and force them to go to gas chambers that are disguised as shower stalls and they valuables are taken after. Later on, leading to a lot of killings.


How it affected individuals?

For the people who just watched and did nothing which is called the bystanders, all the killings, propagandas and the discrimination would have a small impact on how they think of Germany. They’d suffer mentally just from watching it all happen and knowing that if they get involved there would be harsh penalties. For the people who are against the Nazis which are called the resisters, they’d also suffer mentally because there is a risk that your family or friends might  die just because they don’t follow Hitler. Resisters usually lose their lives.

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