Art Studio 12

Week 1, Feb 1/23. Edublog Set up 

  1. This week we started a new semester and courses, in art studio 12, I met many new old and new friends. And I also learned how to set up a menu and a new page in Edublog.
  2. Following the instruction that Mx. Vittie made, but after figuring out it is nice.
  3. learning how to set up a new page and add it to the menu.
  4. Hope next week can work on more projects and also get to know more about each other.




Week 1, Feb 2/23. Altered Books 1- Purpose

Step 1:

Step 2: (my own words)

  • Once upon a time, there was a little girl
    who was really shy and quiet. In school,
    she was a “good” student in the teachers
    ‘minds. In-home, she was a good “child” in her parents
    ‘and other family members’ minds, but she was not happy!
  • The teacher started to teach the
    girl how to communicate with
    other people and her family, and how to make friends.

Feb 2/23. Altered Books 2- Process

  1.  Three Art Book Techniques
  • Envelopes or pockets
  • Hidden Content/ Flaps
  • Pop-outs

2. Four Art-Making Techniques

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Watercolor Paint
  • Collage

3.  Four Art Development Strategies

  • elaboration
  • personification
  • point of view
  • symbolism

4. I will use a love letter book to work on my art book project. I have already separated the pages and cut some pictures that I will use.

The main theme for my book would be “love”.                                                                  

Feb 9/23, Week 2, Life Below Water Research
1. Hammerhead Shark
2. Blue Whale
3. Hawaiian Monk Seal
1-3 sentences about the threats to this creature
1. Hammerhead Shark
In tropical regions all over the world, these sharks suffer fin damage, and even the process itself is terrifying, as the sharks are caught by fishermen, hauled on boats, and their fins are cut off while they are still breathing. The rest of the body was thrown into the water, where it bled to death.
2. Blue Whale
Blue whales are the largest mammals on Earth and can migrate from oceans around the world. But excessive commercial hunting has helped its population plummet, threatening its survival even after an international ban was imposed in 1966. One study suggests that about 200,000 blue whales have been killed, and there are now about 3,000-5,000 left.
3. Hawaiian Monk Seal
Threatened by large sea creatures like tiger sharks and Galapagos sharks, which eventually wiped out their species. Hawaiian monk seals often get tangled in fishing nets and debris and are killed. There are only about 1,100 seals trying to survive.
1-3 sentences about the solutions to these threats
1. Hammerhead Shark
Many countries have imposed bans on shark finning
2. Blue Whale
Protect the living environment of cetaceans, do not pollute or kill cetaceans, rescue cetaceans in danger (such as stranding), protect their food, and leave them a quiet and harmonious place to live and breed
3. Hawaiian Monk Seal
Further efforts are needed to reduce interactions between humans and Hawaiian monk seals on the main inhabited Hawaiian islands. Authorities are considering reining in the ecosystem of Hawaii’s northwest islands to make it more hospitable to Hawaiian monk seals. 
Feb, 10/23, Week 2, Artbook
1. this week I separate all the papers and stick them and also start on the first page of the book. The main idea of the book is”love”. So I paint the page to red and also made a pop-out flower in the middle of the book. Also wrote a love poem that I like near the flower.
2. I was also trying to use paper to cover the outside of the book, but fo not have enough time to organize it. Will finish the coverage of the book next week and will write the name of the book on that paper.
Feb 16, week 3, Inquiry Term-Long Project
  1. What would you like to investigate/make as a term-long project?

I would like to start drawing Turtle Island. Which is one of the most important parts of Indigenous history.

2. What do you need to get started?
For drawing this, I need paints, brushes, and other tools that can help my painting. I have already started working on this. I painted the blue sky already.
3.  How will you begin the project?
For these kinds of paintings, through my experiences need to work on the background first, then draw the turtle and others. For the problems, I do not have enough experience drawing the water and the things underwater. this might be a challenge for me. But I would try drawing this picture on a smaller piece of paper before I draw the whole big turtle on my work.
Week 3, Feb 17/23, art book 
1. For the art book, I finished the first page and the coverage.
I painted all the pages to red and add a tie and a bowknot to represent a boy and a girl.
Then I wrote down two sentences of a Chinese poem. And draw the shadow of a couple. Then start working on the next pages.
the thing I found out is that the color can not cover the original book really well, so I will find other ways to cover it next week.
2. For my work project, I am still working on the sky and a little bit of struggle with clouds.
Finally, I planned to finish the second page of my art book and have the shape of the turtle island!
Week 4, Feb,23/23, artbook
1. First for the art book, I started working on the second page. I draw some instruments and lyrics that I like. These instruments have special meanings to present different things.
2. I changed some clouds for the painting and started working on the water. the place above the water.
Overall, for the next week, I will keep working on the art book and finish this page and work on the next one. For the painting, I will start trying to draw the turtle.
Week 5, Mar 2/23, art book and apron 
1. For the art book, I finished the send page. I added two stickers– one is a sentence and the other one is a cute dinosaur.  I also started working on the next page. On the next page, I Draw a big tree and the next week, I would like to add some stickers on the tree and write different words. And on the right side, I will draw one girl. The whole idea of this page is for the girl to find a tree to say out the things that happened to her in a struggle time. ( so the background is people, it is a little bit evil). And then the words on the tree are the things that the girl met or her wishes. The girl is struggling with love.
2. I used a class to draw two photos on my new apron. And I am searching for waterproof paints to avoid all the color gone. On the apron, I draw a cartoon of my favorite singer and on the other side, I draw a dinosaur same as the one in the art book.
Overall, for the next week, I would like to keep working on the new page and find a chance to paint my apron.
Week 5, Mar 9/23, Artbook 
1. For the art book, I finished a new page. The idea in this page is a girl likes to say her troubles and emotions to the big tree. All the stickers on the tree are the voice of the girl. And represent the things that had happened to her.  During her growing process, she has had a lot of different experiences. the little house under the tree is the place that the girl would like to go to when something is on her mind.
2. I also draw a little painting to put in my bedroom. The idea comes from the picture I took last week. In the painting, the sky and water are getting together and the black part in the front are mountains, and not far away has a little ship.
Overall, I already start working on the next page of my art book and still thinking about the ideas. After spring break I will keep working on the art book and probably start working on the turtle island if I got some time.
Week 8, March 30/3, Artbook 
1. For the art book, this is the last-second page. I cut the magazine pages into long slices and stuck them on the page. And I put a little metal square in the corner. The whole idea about this page is that the slices are one’s mind or one’s life. Everything is complicated and can not stretch out. However, when you only look at one little part (the Square), you will find the best of it. Overall, maybe sometimes we will feel terrible or confused, but the more important is to live right now and forget the future and the past. Do the right thing and the wonderful thing that you think at this moment.
2. For the turtle island, I finished the color of the top and the middle of the water. And learn how to make the color looks more realistic. And for the main part (turtle), I try to draw it on paper and next week after finishing bottom of the water will start drawing the turtle.
Overall, I learned a lot this week, such as color theory. For the next week, I will keep working on the art book and add more details on the page and then move to the last one. For the turtle, I will start working on the bottom of the water and try to draw the island and the turtle part.
Week 9, Apr 6/23, artbook 
For the art book, I added more details from last week’s work. I added more paper slices and made some different sizes of butterflies.  And the whole snow flower inside of the square. I cut the whole snow flower into little pieces and stick them on the paper slices. The whole page represents one’s life. It is messy and complicated but the butterflies represent the beauty of life. When you circle one part of your past or experience, you will discover that all the little pieces can combine into the big part. It is meaningful!
Overall for the next week, I will move on to the next page, the plan is to add something to the book. I will try to cut off the part of the book. And keep working on the turtle island.
Week 10, April, 13/23 
This week, I started working on the turtle island project and now finished all the background colors I tried to draw the shape of the turtle on a piece of paper and will move it to my painting next week. And I used the rest of the paints on my plate to draw a little card involving some different faces and colored “things” to put in my bedroom.
I was a little bit struggling about the color under the sea, but I asked Ms. Vitte and then tried out the color I want. For next week, I will keep working on the island and hopefully will finish the shape and color of the turtle. And I will keep working on the last page of the art book. But I had not had an idea right now, so I will go find some examples to take look at.
Life underwater project 
Turtle Island is from a legend of First Peoples. The relationship between the island and humans is connected, because of the turtle, the human could get ground to stay and live. In some way, turtle island is the first “home” of humans and we all need to show respect to it.
It shows that humans and turtle island (the earth) have a close relationship and all humans need to take care of them and protect the environment. No one wants to have a turtle shell with a lot of unfixable holes in it. We can start saving our homes in many different ways.
Week 12, Apr 20/23 
For this week, I am working on the last page of my art book. The idea is a door on the beach. The blue part is the sea and the yellow part is the soil. And the red door is standing on the beach, for people to open. I cut the bottom part of the pages and am going to add something in this area. And I would like to add a line of butterflies on the beach to lead people to open the door and after opening the door they will find a new world. These represent the beauty of the future.
For the turtle island, I draw the shape of the turtle under the water and started to figure out what kind of color I was going to use.
Overall,  for the next week, I am going to finish the art book and keep working on the turtle, hopefully, will finish coloring the turtle.
Week 13, Apr 26/23


This week for the art book, I finished the last page of the book. And added more details. First I made a lot of butterflies as a line on the beach to lead people to the door. And when butterflies are flying around the door, people will more interested in opening the door. And then I painted the inside of the door blue and use the glue gun to stick around shells on the side of the door. And then I draw four dolphins on paper and paint them blue and pink, then stick them on the board.  Some people believed that when you see the pink dolphin, lucky things would happen. So the page means the beauty of the ocean and life. The difficulty I meet is to stick all the shells on the paper, it takes me a lot of time.
For next week, I would find some new projects to work on and update my turtle island.
Week 14 May 4/23 Lino print 
I draw a dragon as the project. It would be hard to make this perfectly the first time. so I draw a light and shadow cat to try it and then work on the dragon.
And also for the dragon, I need to leave some details and tiny things to make it more possible.
Week 15 May 11/23 Lino print 
This week I worked on the lino print. I decided to use the double cats as the picture. Based on the picture that was printed, I made some mistakes. I cut the blank place too thin (actually only cutting the top part would work), and then I did not cut the tail really well, the circle is displayed if I cut it too thin.  And for the rest of the material, I cut a little dinosaur and a heart. Overall, it was not too bad, it was still can see the whole shape of it. It was a good experience for me to learn and also know which part I can improve.
And then I made a little painting for my aunt to put in front of the door.
Overall, doing lino print is soo fun and also intense, because there are a lot of tiny details you need to focus on and cared about. For Friday and next week, I will restart my project turtle island, and finish it before this semester.
Week 16 May 15/23
This week I drew a little paint for my mom and worked on a cup. Also started a new project. Making a cup is a new experience for me, I learned a lot and am also glad to have a chance to try it.
For next week, I would keep working on the new project and my cup.
Week 17, May 25/23
This week I worked on some different projects. I finished painting my cups, I drew the sky and clouds. And added more details for the turtle island, I was a little bit struggle with the color of the turtle, I made the water a little bit darker than what I expected, so I need to make the turtle looks more shiny.
I would keep working on the turtle island, I would spend most of the time for the next few weeks to finish the island.
Week 18, June 1/23
The cup I made before.
This week, I was working on the turtle island and clay.
For the turtle island, I painted the color of the shell dark brown and the legs and the bottom to dark green. And I started to draw the details on the legs. I used white for the bottom part and then added more black to make the color darker while going to the top. It works well, but it is still not the looks I expected. I think for the next step,  I would add more color to make it looks more realistic. I was struggling with the color of the turtle this week, I searched some pictures and there were different colors of different turtles. For next week, I would keep working on this paint and add more colors on both the shell and legs.
And also I made a “plate” with clay and going to paint it.
Overall, for next week, the plan is to finish the turtle part and move on to the last mountain part.
Flora and fauna lino print (product)

Artwork Title: Light and Darkness

Date Completed: May 11

Artist Name: Jenny Zhang 

These two cats are white and black, and at the same time they are symmetrical; they are using the same line in the middle. They could just be one, half bright, half dark. Which represents one’s mind. And also they could be as close as twins, one angel and one evil. This project used linoleum and Water-soluble Oil Paints, and the color black can give people a stronger visual experience. This project could be about the humans mind or although works on everything. Everything has positive and negative, just like pros and cons.


Life Blow Water project 

Artwork Title: Love 

Date Completed: Apr. 20th 

Artist Name: Jenny Zhang 

The main idea of the work is “water” and “ocean”. For this work, I used Acrylic paints, colored papers, and tiny shells. The butterflies made with colored paper are guiding people to open the door. And when butterflies are flying around the door, people will more interested in opening the door. And inside the door are new looks,  four dolphins with blue and pink, some people believed that when you see the pink dolphin, lucky things would happen. So the page means the beauty of the ocean and the importance of protecting them.


Long Term Inquiry (PROCESS)


  1. For the first time, I changed the look of the sky two times and realized that the color of the sky looks not really realistic.
  2. And I worked on the top of the water, I was struggling with the color for a while. And then learned from Ms. Vittie to mix blue and orange to create a more realistic color in nature. And for the top part, I drew some white lines to pretend the wave. The bottom part was just the same color.
  3. Then I used a lot of time to draw the shape of the turtle. I tried a couple of times on paper before I drew it on my painting.
  4. I was really struggling with the color of the turtle shell, then learned to make a curve of the line to make it looks better.
  5. I tried many different colors of the shell and decided to use a color similar to water. After I had the line, I did not know how can I do with the inside of the squares, then I figured it out and just added some lines inside.


Week 19, Jun 9/23

  1. Made a plate.

2. I drew a painting named Healing. I got the idea from a book I read that about indigenous people. All the color lines represent the hurt that they get with a dark background. And then I added two fluffy feathers on the top, the feather represents the angle and good things, which is a wish that the hurt of them can be healed.

3. This week I kept working on my turtle island project and finished the turtle shell. Will finish the turtle legs on Friday, and move to the top island part next week. The color and the shape of the turtle shell struggled with me a lot but now looks better, although the color is still a little bit weird. Overall, maybe I will finish the painting next week!

Week 20, Jun 16/23

This week I kept working on my inquiry project – turtle island. I was a little bit struggle with the color of the grass, but then figure it out. For the next week, I would be working on all the assignments and probably use the rest of the time to create some other things.

Inquire project 
Title of work: Turtle Island
Medium: Canvas
Date: 2023-06-16
Artist Name: Jenny Zhang
The idea of this painting is from an Indigenous tradition’s legend. The legend describes the first land for humans to live and it is on the back of the turtle. I used this idea to create this painting. This painting wants to show the culture of Indigenous and also tell people that the importance of taking care of the earth and their lives.
During the project, I learned a lot of things, such as color theory. Although I failed many times, I tried to draw one thing many times and wanted to give up. I am so glad that I kept working on it throughout the whole semester and not only learned a lot of knowledge from it but also knew that persistence pays off. It is a good end to this class and also this semester!
Collaborative Studio Maintenance Project
  1. Studio Maintenance Identification– Identify a section of the clay studio that requires maintenance and take a photo of it. What is the name of the item, space, product, or tool? What is this item, space, product, or tool used for? What does it look like, versus how it should look like?
  • Palette from clay section.
  • it is used for holding pigments
  • Usually, the color should be white, however many of them are been covered by dry paint and looks dirty.
  1. Division of Tasks and Process– How will you collaboratively maintain this area? Who will do what? Take process images of the maintenance going on. At least 3 photos of you and your team doing work.
  • We are going to clean the palette.
  • We each clean the half palette.
  1. Completion of Maintenance– Once you have maintained an item, space, product, or tool, take completion images. How has the maintenance of this item contributed to the classroom or environment?

  • It is helpful for people who use them. Every time people will get clean color and good mood. And avoid the situation that the dry pigments cover many layers and then have the throwaway.