defining definitions and videos

Pessimists/Malthusians – believe that population would soon outstrip food supply, leading to famine, disease, and social disorder

Neo-Malthusians – believe that disaster will overtake populations in the world’s poorest developing countries in the next 50 years due to increasing global warming, shortages of arable land, conflicts over fresh water, declining fish stocks, and the spread of AIDS or other diseases. They also belive that migrations, technology, and new farming lands cannot solve the problems.

The Optimists –  have faith in mankind’s ability to find innovations, such as solar and wind energy, that will increase Earth’s carrying capacity.

I think the video of Kenya’s human time bomb fits into Pesimmists because the part where the reporter mentions that “doctors are working overtime to save people’s lives but even on a normal day the fecilities are overstreched “(5:08) shows that overpopulation has been created problems like disease, and social disorder in Kenya.

The second video called “global population growth, box by box fits into the optimists because in the video , a guy named Hans Rosling says that “only if we invest in the right green technology so that we can avoid severe climte change and energy can still be relatively cheap then they will move all the way up here”(5:05) showing people the positive ideas of inventing new technology which could stop the problems of growing of population. It shows his faith in abillity to find innovations that will increase Earth’s carrying capacity so that I think it definitely fits into the optimists.

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