Dependent Ratio: Roughly 55 people in the Netherlands depend on 100 people. 0.5416%
Based on the population pyramid of the Netherlands, they have a low dependency ratio because generally the centre of their pyramid is larger meaning there are more people working and providing for those who are dependent on them.
There is a larger middle aged population and there are fewer births happening in the Netherlands. This could mean more health care will be needed in the coming years but there will be fewer workers to provide for them. Their Dependent ratio is going to increase a lot once the middle aged cohorts reach the age of 65. This could be a problem as there will be many health related problems and more deaths than they have seen.
Like many population pyramids, it is difficult to visually see the difference in males and females, but as you look at the older ages you can slightly see that there are more females like mainly every country in the world.
The Netherlands has a low fluctuating pyramid and almost looks like they may start declining (the 5th stage.) They currently seem to be in the 4th stage on the demographic transition model, meaning their population is evening or has evened out and their birth and death rates are pretty similar.
This country needs to start focusing on health advancements as their population gets older and is heading for the senior years. In roughly 20 years the dependent population will include many seniors, who will be dependant on the working population. To prepare for this the birth rate needs to increase so there will be more workers for when the dependent population increases.
The main type of housing in the Netherlands is the terraced house, which is a town home with 2-3 stories. As the majority of the population reaches their senior years, the Netherlands should focus on creating some one story homes for these seniors who will find it difficult to walk up the stairs. At the same time in about 40 years when majority of the now middle aged population has passed away, the country, like Canada, will be very technologically savvy. The population will use technology in their every day lives, countries like Canada, America, the UK, and the Netherlands, will need to focus on advancements in this area so the whole population can benefit.
Well done!