- In terms of a job, I would prefer the following in order of;
- Minister
- MP
- Prime Minister
- Senator
- Governor General.
2. Firstly I would like to be a minister. Ministers have an interesting role because they get to be a MP but have more responsibility being apart of a cabinet ministry your in charge of. I would enjoy being a part of the managers of Canada, dealing with problems presented to us and having people working for me on behalf of the good for Canada. I dislike not being able to set laws, and having to go through the Legislative branch to get any laws set. Next I would like to be a MP. I would get to be apart of government and decisions being made, but I dislike not having as much responsible because they aren’t apart of a cabinet. Following is the role of the Prime Minister. I ranked this position in the middle because it contains all the aspects I like, about responsibility, being in charge of different ministries, speaking behalf of my party, but I would dislike this position in government because of how the public would see me. The Prime Minister is usually the one always getting hate sent towards him and I would not enjoy that. Next I would want to be a senator. Senators are known as the wisest people in Canada who level anything off in the house of commons, they keep everyone in check. The reasons I wouldn’t want this position is they aren’t a part of the house of commons, they just double check that laws aren’t going against the constitution and I would like to be a part of introducing new laws and solving problems than just reading through documents and checking if they are allowed or not. For this same reason I wouldn’t want to be the Governor General. They have the power of the Crown in Canada, representing the queen, but all they do for our country is sign laws making them official, triple checking they don’t go against our constitution. They have no say in what laws should be made because if they were to disagree with a law sent to them and they didn’t sign it they would be going against what Canada wants which is not responsible government. For this reason I put Governor General last.
Good job. Remember that as a cabinet member, you also double as an MP so you would get to propose the law and vote on it.
It looks like you understand these positions well. I’m glad to hear you want to make a difference!