App Review
DEFINE: I need to find an app to help me learn and memorize the names of the elements on the periodic table, what periods and grounds the elements are in and their atomic mass.
DREAM: Find a way to quiz myself on the elements of the periodic table through a digital way being able to easily understand it.
APP: Periodic Table Quiz
DELIVER: The app that I discovered is called “Periodic Table Quiz”. It’s very easy to understand, and has many options on what to learn. If you go into the play option there is 27 levels. There’s 6 different options of what to get quizzed on. The first is name to symbols, the second is symbols to names, the third is the atomic number, fourth the periods, fifth is groups and the sixth is blocks. When I choose to do a quiz it tells me the instructions right before I start which I like a lot. Then is has the name of the element or symbol and it gives you 4 options to select from, if you get it right you move onto the next question, if you get it wrong you stay on the same one until you get it right. There’s also a learning option, it was the same questions as the play option but this one doesn’t time you, it does give you a percentage on how many you get right.
DEBRIEF: Overall I enjoyed this app, it helped me memorize information about the elements in a fun way. The only think I would change is to add chemical compounds into the play option.