Archive of ‘English 11’ category

Blog-Log 2 – The Results of Dying Coral Reefs

Read Article: Here

The other day, I was having a conversation with my friend about how you can adopt a coral. This was my first time hearing about it which made me want to learn more. I found this article titled “Coral Reefs: we continue to take more than we give.” I really enjoyed how the author was very straight to the point and informative. Coral reefs house 25% of all marine life, it offers food, medicine and environmental protection, it reduces the damage of storms. The article indicates that coral reefs are slowly degrading because of climate change, ocean acidification, destructive fishing and multiple other reasons. We are constantly being told lately, especially in the media of how our Earth is slowly dying, but it’s rare for anyone to be informed on what we can do to help prevent it. By adopting a coral it’s a contribution to help our earth. The reefs are contaminated by over 11 billion pieces of plastic, leading to coral diseases. If greater action is not taken, we will lose all our reefs along with many marine species by 2050. When adopting a coral they plant a new one were the dead coral is to help it regrow. This article illustrates the importance of our reefs.

Blog Log 1 – Misinformation Leads to ‘Vaccine-Hesitant’ Parents

Read the article: here

I found this article interesting because recently vaccines have been very controversial and I am someone who strongly believes in them. There’s been news articles recently in the media about measles and other preventable viruses that are making a comeback.Yet some parents still refuse to vaccinate their children. Misinformation has been put out there that vaccines such as measles and MMR can cause autism, but this has been debunked by many studies. The writer was very honest and didn’t hold back on sharing his opinion which I liked. He exemplifies how once this false information is out there, parents become hesitant and have misguided fear. His wife who is a family physician said “Don’t vilify, bully or mock the parents, but try to empathize and teach, and then empower them.” This quote is important because it suggests that these parent’s are being misinformed, and instead of mocking and judging them the doctor’s need to re-educate them on the importance of vaccines. A lot of misinformation comes from social media, which is why it’s critical to keep and open mind and don’t believe everything we read.