First peoples principles of learning


Image result for interconnectedness first people

In science 9 we have learned many things that involved connectedness. Interconnectedness is the belief that everything in our universe is related/connected. Whether it  be through family, a nation, regions, plants, animals or cycles. This theme relates to things we’ve learned about the food chain. How it starts with the producers, all the way up to the tertiary consumers, then to the decomposers. Every level of the food chain is necessary and all the levels need to connect to one another. If a level of this chain were to disappear the whole chain would be broken, thus the importance of interconnectedness. Another example is what we learned about water cycles, carbon cycles, etc., they are all being repeated in their cyles and are interconnected in a way. These cycles are very important components to our ecosystems and if one of the components in a cycle is affected it could damage them all. By learning information like this, we are now able to recognize the consequences of ones action if we were to do something to affect the food chain or the cycles.

Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s actions.

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Sustainability is to have the endurance of system and processes, it’s to maintain a good balance between multiple things at once. It also means how we can sustain and keep our environment healthy to pass down to the future generations. This principle is involved in many things we have been learning throughout science so far this school year, for instance, how we affect the environment and in the electricity unit where we had to find a better alternative that uses less energy like hybrid cars or solar panels. We recently just learned a lot about how humans are affecting our ecosystems and environment, like how much pollution we are letting out in the air and all the fossil fuels being burned. We also leanred that we can all help the environment if we make an effort to conserve by recycling, green wasting and taking shorter showers. From learning how much humans are damaging the planet we can now take responsibilities and try to improve in the ways we treat it so it is sustainable for the future generations.

Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities.

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