Desmos Portrait 2018

How did you figure out the equations to use?

To start with, there was an original list of equations at the front that gave us the generalization of what they look like. I started with the head and the eyes playing with the shape until it looked decent. I mainly used the circle function (y²+x²=r²) to create the head and the eyes, and used the quadratic function for the hair to get a shape that went around the head. I used the square root function for the eye brows and absolute value for the arms and legs. I chose each function based on the shape it made, and how it best matches the body part.

Did you have any challenges, any aha moments?

Most of the challenges I faced was while I was adjusting the positions of each functions, and placing them in a correct position according to the body. I also had a challenge creating the body, and clothing for it. The aha moment I had was when I accidentally made the dress. I was trying to make a t-shirt but removed a “+” sign and ended up making a dress shape, deciding to keep it.

Did you get any help? Did you use any strategies?

I experimented with different functions and positioned them is a way that looked good with the body, I bounced ideas off of other people to get a good shape, and asked my peers what they did and I shared my ideas, so we all had a better understanding, and make our portraits to the best of our abilities

How did this assignment help you to understand about, functions, relations, and their graphs?

This assignment gave me a better understating on how each function and relation can be graphed, and how the slightest adjustment can change the whole placement. I learned how to change the functions position on the graph and manipulate the equation so the function turn out a certain way.