Workplace Safety

Three things I will make sure to do to keep myself safe in the workplace are: listen to others instructions and information carefully while being patient, ask if i don’t know how to do or use something, and always read the labels on products or bottles before use.

Listening to others is always important whether your getting instructions, they are asking a question or it is something else. You have to be patient because if you give wrong information you could potentially harm them. I think that asking questions is always necessary if you feel unsure or need something clarified. I also believe it is a good idea to ask questions when you want to confirm or double check how to complete a task or use an item. If something has an unknown label and you are either cleaning or drinking with it you should always check with a manager or supervisor to make sure no accidents happen and no chemicals are wrongfully used or enter into you or another persons bloodstream.

two things to help keep others around my workplace safe are: Helping if someone looks like they’re struggling or is confused and communicating with my co-workers to make sure that we are all on the same page.

By helping someone I can ensure the safety of both of us and give them a deeper understanding of the concept so that they can feel more confident in doing that action. Communication skills are also very important to keep everyone in the workplace safe.

  1. Which story resonates with you the most? 
    1. Mathews story was the one that stuck with me the most.
  2. Why? 
    1. The reason Mathews story stuck with me the most was because he had a gut feeling which was giving him a warning that at the time he didn’t think anything of it. Sometimes life gives you a warning to remind you that if you don’t feel safe or comfortable doing a certain action or activity you don’t have to. This story had a big impact on me because if i was in that situation I wouldn’t have realized it was a warning but I would have been uncomfortable completing that job alone.
  3. What can you learn from that Workplace accident? 
    1. From this I learned that it is okay to refuse to do something that you feel is unsafe or are not comfortable with. I also learned to really trust you gut feeling because that is what can help you stay safe and healthy. Mathews story made me think about how easily something can go wrong so you should never push your self into the extreme if there’s a risk to it or your body is not comfortable with it.

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