Recognizing a Dystopian Society – “Being Pretty”

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A Dystopian society is a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic,
technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias, through an exaggerated
worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, societal norm, or
political system. Dystopian societies have characteristics Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society. information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted, A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society, Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance, Citizens have a fear of the outside world,  Citizens live in a dehumanized state, The natural world is banished and distrusted, Citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality and dissent are bad, The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world. Examples of a dystopian society can be found in movies like The Matrix, Hunger Games, maze runner, and the short film above where in these societies all people are the same and those who aren’t will be killed. Being pretty also shows a dystopian society by takes place in the future, run by a futuristic technology,

The Eddy Article- “Getting to know Riverside’s music program

Getting to know Riverside’s music programs

Perks of the music program and what staff are doing to better them.

By Jayden Fisher

While most of the instruments are in very good condition and well kept some of them could be better. Mrs. Spicer (the Music teacher) has been working very hard to improve the music programs and the instruments they use.

As it stands the Riverside music programs are very promising. “We have great percussion equipment, lots of drums, we even have a set of Tako drums, lots of mics for vocal jazz, a class set of guitars, some bass guitars and electric guitars,” said Mrs. Spicer.

The music program also has clubs and courses you can take such as band, choir, vocal jazz, guitar, and a strings club. Mrs. Spicer is even planning on adding world music (drums), string orchestra, jazz band, and even a rock band.

The program is completely free (aside from some band instrument rentals), and Mrs. Spicer is even planning to preserve the program by getting students interested and they are doing this by putting on as many performances as possible (virtual and live). They are also planning on going to the feeder Middle schools and recruiting from there.

Joining is a great opportunity for young and upcoming musicians. The music program has a lot of instruments that are free to use and learn if you join the clubs or take the courses, and they are even hoping to get software for the choir that will let them become a paperless choir, soft wear that will let students write our own music and would like to get some good mics for recording and some editing software for making music videos.

So why not take the course where students could learn an instrument for free while they are at school!

Indigenous Podcast – Murders in Minutes



Evil Robot Monkey



Jayden Fisher

Doctor Vern Douglas of the institute of gifted robot monkeys in Port Coquitlam, BC has recently lost his job due to one of his test subjects “Sly” terrorizing a group of children on a visiting school trip.

Whilst the children were passing the robot monkey, they noticed that the primate had thrown his in in progress pottery project at his glass pen.

As the children examined the chimp’s strange behavior Sly wrote “SSA” on the clay on his side of the glass.

Douglas has since apologized for his subjects’ actions but will not speak to press directly.

The robot primate has since been taken into custody by law enforcement officers.

New Media Intro

Fake News


Fake news is information given to misguide people. There is a lot of fake new on media and it’s almost impossible not to come across it considering, “in 2017, the average American spent for more than twelve hours a day with various media”(Donovan 2018), Because of that we are learning how to process the media and new we consume and not believe it all. Some of the ways to avoid being fooled by fake news is check for copyright licensing, verify the source, review the credibility of the source, check the date since it has been published/updated, search up the authors expertise, and rely on your prior knowledge as a self-reflection toward the new you consume.  When doing these things to review the news also keep in mind the protocol, domain name, and path. Another thing is, “We might just to chill once in a while, read a book”(Donovan 2018). So maybe just go read and chill. The protocol will let you know if the site is secure or not. The domain name will let you see what this site is really for (education, money, government etc.). The path will let you see how you got there and if you where lead there by yourself interest or maybe by something that caught your eye. To sum up todays lesson we learned how to properly distinguish Fake news from real and how to credit a source to not be fooled by their common propaganda.

Ebola virus power point

my power point

Name: Jayden Date: Nov. 6, 2020





How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the communication competency?


In what ways might you further develop your communication competency?


Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.


This assignment didn’t really make me struggle I found it quite easy considering Cole did most of the work


Even though I didn’t do much I tried my best and then presented very professionally




How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?




How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the personal & social competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your personal & social competencies?


Publish Your Self Assessment

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  1. Categories – Self-Assessment
  2. Tags – Now tag your post using the tag that corresponds to the competency that you have written about. You can choose more than one. Please use lower case letters and be exact.
    • #creativethinkingcc
    • #communicationcc
    • #criticalthinkingcc
    • #socialresponsibilitycc
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    • #personalawarenesscc
  3. Use the Add Document button located at the top of your post page and embed your self-assessment at the bottom of your blog post.
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