Week 6 Math 10

This Week in Math 10…

Getting heavier into measurement we received a formula sheet, one that we can use on tests and in the homework so we do not have to memorize all of them. This was very helpful and much appreciated. Unfortunately we had to remember one or two things; finding the slant hight of something with a triangular shape or comes to a point and the formulas for hemi-spheres.

I am going to demonstrate finding the slant height of something with a triangular shape or a shape that comes to a point. There are different shapes you might need find the slant hight for, like a pyramid or a cone.

First lets see the shape we will be using… A cone!


A cone is a shape that looks like a flipped ice cream cone.





Next you will be given some measurements, before this you should know the names of measurements that you need to know.


Blue- the true height

Red- slant height

Yellow- diameter

(the radius is half of the diameter)

Green- radius


Now lets say, you have been giving some measurements…

So, you have been given the True Height and the Diameter, but need to find the slant height…






You have to follow a formula that calls for the radius to be involved, we already know that the radius is half of the diameter therefore..

Our radius is 6.







To find the slant height you need to follow a formula…


h = true height

r = radius 

s= slant height 



Now you simply plug in the numbers you know into the formula.






Solve what you can… And get your answer!








The Slant Height is equal to 10. The slant height is 10cm.

Week 5 Math 10

This week in Math 10…

This week in Math 10 we started our Measurement Unit. I learned that estimating can now become a bit more accurate just by using our body to measure things. It also helps if you know the measurements of the body parts you are using to estimate the real size.

For example:

Large Objects – Face of your Fridge:

You could use the width of your body (shoulder to shoulder) and measure the face that way.

Medium/ Regular Objects – Computer Face:

You could use the width of your hand (edge of pinkie to edge of thumb) and measure the face that way.

Small/ Tiny Objects – Plastic Water Bottle Cap:

You could use the height of coins stacked (dimes are good) and measure the height that way.

Week 4 Math 10

How to write a Power as a Radical.

This week in Math 10 was all about exponents. We began with exponent rules and grew from that point. When changing a power into a radical it can be tricky. Here is how to do it:

If you have:

You can change this into a radical by using FLOWER POWERHere is how to remember…

Roots are at the bottom of the flower so,

And then, you have your radical.