1. The successful aspects of my work are as follows. Firstly, I was given a new task of helping the Chromebook device team in the Boot Camp. I had never used a Chromebook and did not know anything about its features, but I had to work along and adapt to my new task. I’m not entirely sure if I were able to help them in all aspects, but I firmly believe I succeeded in giving them the fundamental information they would need at Riverside. Second, the Creation Team was able to make a general schedule we would need to follow in order for the Grade 8 Me video to be completed with our wanted features of being less boring and more informative without losing attention. As stated in Tech Team Brainstorm Document, our primary goal of the video is to create one that shows the real life of Riverside without any shaping to be any better looking or worse. We’re not sure if this will happen, but the foundation of ideas is a good place to start nonetheless.
  2. There are many challenging aspects of our work. Firstly, the reality of creating a new video that attracts the attention of many while being short, empowering, and fulfilling all of our standards will never be easy. Our group had to really sit down and discuss all of the problems present in the videos of previous years, and how we could attempt to eliminate all of these problems. This leaded to many ideas as to how we could improve, and there were times when our group did not fully agree with one another. All of the other problems we may encounter are present in 
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    . Also, there was a true problem of meeting due dates for the EduBlog assignments. Since the Tech Team only met once a week and we would just be told about an assignment. Since the monitoring can only be so enforced, there would be many times where I forget to do the assignment in time, which happened for the second assignment. You can see in this image that the post was uploaded on the 4th of December, where the assignment was in fact due to the last week of November. 
  3. To overcome the problems in section 2, there were many solutions used. For the Creation Team problem, we had to be patient with one another and make sure all opinions were heard, respected, and never neglected. It wasn’t easy since everybody had so many ideas that were all fit to be integrated into the video, but there were too many ideas to be integrated into a 2 minute video. We had to respectfully tell certain people that certain ideas could not be used in the video. Eventually, we were all able to reach an agreement as to the plans for the new (hopefully improved) video. For the assignment problem, I had to do something I had never done to make sure the assignments were submitted in time. I set a phone alarm 5 days prior to the due date to make sure I would first remember the existence of the assignment and complete it in the 5 days. 
  4. In order to improve for our project, we first need to meet deadlines that we created for ourselves. We need to ensure we go around “recruiting” people to share their opinions before the end of January so that we can have more breathing room as to the time-frame. In order for this to happen, everybody in our group needs to be willing to run around, interact with people they may not have talked to before, and have general knowledge of video editing and filming. It would help if we had a group leader taking initiative of all of these events and watching over the progress of the group.
  5. Regarding any suggestions and/or feedback for upcoming years, I think we should have a date where the Tech Team and the teachers meet up to discuss any plans regarding technology for the year, any help with technology if needed, etc. This provides a better insight for the Tech Team as to what certain teachers would need help with or what the teachers are expecting for the year. Also, the teachers can also figure out what the Tech Team has for goals of the year too.