How sustainable are different kinds of Aquaculture?

How sustainable are different kinds of Aquaculture?

Seafoods are usually harvested by fish farms or searching for them in the wild. Aquaculture is only sustainable if we harvest fish less than the amount they can reproduce. For now we are overfishing which is unsustainable. For example, the Pacific bluefin tuna are endangered because of overfishing. Fish farms may seem sustainable but they may cause damage to the area around. For example, salmon farms in BC were giving diseases to the local salmon. Also, we use smaller fishes to feed the fishes grown in the fish farm. The end product gives less amount of food than we used so it is not a sustainable. So for now, it seems like all types of Aquaculture is not sustainable unless we harvest slower than they can reproduce.

One Response

  1. brchan at |

    There is a type of aquaculture that is land-based, you can look up “recirculating aquaculture system”. Could this be a solution? Is there a reason why it’s not used more widely?


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