Diffusion in Agar Cubes

Below is a timelapse video of our Agar cube in the sodium hydroxide solution This is the process of our lab:     Our Agar cubes cut into their sizes             Our Agar cubes in the sodium hydroxide solution, immediately after placed in the solution.           Our Agar cubes once removed from the solution, and cut open.         In terms of maximizing diffusion, what was the most effective size cube that you tested?…

RAC Week

This week was Random Act of Caring week, and I chose to write a letter to someone who means a lot to me. I wrote a letter to my ballet teacher, who is one of my inspirations and idols. What did you notice about the people who benefited from the RAC? When she read the letter, her eyes started tearing up. She had a big smile on her face and I knew that it made her feel warm and happy that she had such an…

Thoughts on Data Analysis 2017

I think that statistics have a place in society, and that they can be useful and helpful in society, but that they are not necessary. We could all live without surveys, however useful they can occasionally be. I personally find it annoying when i get a random call asking to do a survey, but I do understand their purpose. After reading the article, I thought a lot about how we shouldn`t be fooled by false statistics. Lots of people also end up making biased opinions,…

My environmental interactions

How you do things throughout your life and throughout your average day tend to have an impact on the environment, big or small, positive or negative. For every time you go to the washroom, and every time you print off a worksheet it effects the environment. I will now describe one of my average days, to show my environmental decisions and the impact I make.   To start off my day I will go to the bathroom. That will equal about 6 liters of water…