Linear Relations Job Comparison

{{unknown}}Choose two different jobs that you might like to do in the next 5 years. The jobs must pay an hourly wage. Job # 1 __Gymboree music teacher_____ Job # 2  Kitchen Design/costumer service – Woodhaven Kitchens (Dad’s work) The hourly wage for the jobs Job # 1 __$12.87                                             Job # 2      $11           . Here are the website’s links of the jobs Here is a chart and a graph of each job Job #1 – Gymboree Number of Hours Total Pay 0…

Pop art

In Art10, we are making Pop Art. I decided to do Disney princesses as they are popular and are stereotyped very often. For this project we were supposed to make a collage, but I got permission to sketch my own image. Bellow is my first draft. Bellow is a picture of when I started painting Bellow is a picture of my finished project I used the dots that certain pop art artists use.

Money Makes Sense

Three things that are in my fixed budget Groceries Savings (For future house and car) Pet care These things are in my fixed budget because they are necessities to life. For groceries, you can’t live without food so it becomes one of the first things on the list. Another thing is savings, because for my life in the future I will need money in order to get started. Lastly pet care. I have two puppies, and so they are in constant need of shots, more…