Mutation Story – Tay-Sachs

I am Tay-Sachs disease. I am very rare, but am most commonly found in Ashkenazi Jews, and very rarely in French Canadians and certain Cajuns in Louisiana. I have just been born into my host, a new born baby. Her parents both had one defective HEXA gene. My home for the next three and a half years will be inside the HEXA GENE of my host, specifically in beta-hexosaminidase A, found in lysosomes specifically found in brain cells. I will grow and spread as I develop very quickly…

Edible DNA

Today in class we learned about how DNA strands function, and how the 5′ & 3′ first strand matches as the opposite on the other side 3’&5′. A and T is opposites and G and C are the opposite. The first strand given to us was TAC GTA TGA AAC The equivalent for the other side is ATG CAT ACT TTG. We used licorice as the backbone and mini marshmallows representing the chemicals. Guanine (G) is Green, Cytosine (C) is Pink, Adenine (A) is Yellow…

Engineering Brightness

{{unknown}}In our Science 9 class, we are working on our engineering brightness project. The point of this project is to create lights to send to the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is in light poverty. They only get up to three hours of light a day, and no light at night. The people sometimes use candles but that often results in houses being burnt down. Their is also a lot of flooding, which also causes loss of electricity. In the Dominican they have payed slavery.…