My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category Math 10

Week 8

Week 7

Week 6

Throughout the whole measurement unit the part I had the most trouble was with converting.

Math Week 5

Math Week 4

One thing I found challenging at first and than I got the hang of was the negative exponent law. That is were you can turn a negative exponent into a positive.

Math Week Three

In Class on Friday I learned a new exponent law, which is the fraction law.

Math Week 2

In class this week we learned how to changed a mix radical into an entire radical. We used this a lot in class this week. 1.) You take your coefficient which in this case is 3 and than you times… Continue Reading →

LateX coding

Math Lesson Week#1

In class this week we used fraction trees a lot. I have used fraction trees before but I didn’t remember how they worked. Factor trees help you find the prime factorization (that’s when we multiply all the primes). You start… Continue Reading →

Math Tutorial Video

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