Jamie, Lucas
December 16, 2015
English 9
Mr. Barazzuol
“Taming of the Shrew” Stop Motion Induction Scene Project

Jamie Purdy and Lucas Desousa Made a Stop Motion Project on the Shakespeare play “Taming of the Shew”. In the Induction, Sly, a peasant boy, was at a bar and got very drunk. So drunk that he started causing conflict by smashing glasses on the ground. The hostess of the bar asked Sly if he can pay for the drinks he has had and the glasses he had broken. His response was, “I refuse to pay” (Induction Scene one 9). Right after that he later passed out from all the alcohol he had consumed. Soon after the lord of Sly’s town entered the bar with his huntsman. The lord’s huntsman and he have an idea to take the peasant boy laying on the ground to the lord’s home and play a little trick on him. They take sly to his house and hire a fake wife to be Sly’s wife. Sly believes the he is the king and he has been in a deep sleep for many years. He also believes that his wife is Page, and he wants more intimate with her. After the induction the actors of the play that Sly and Page will watch enter thus introducing the inset. Lucas and Jamie used stop motion to represent the induction because it makes Shakespearian language simpler. One challenge that Lucas and Jamie had was that the Camera would never stay in the same place. Jamie and Lucas learned how to understand the play better than when they first read it.