Category Archives: Science 9
Mutation: Neurofibromatosis
Cells and DNA in this host’s body has been affected with neurofibromatosis since birth. Neurofibrosis is a genetic disease caused by a genetic mutation that affects one in every 3000 people. So basically, every nerve cell in the system has had this defect from birth. Unfortunately for our poor host, this disease is currently uncurable. The genes that caused this disease were passed down from our host’s parents. This condition is a deletion condition. caused by deletion of the NF1 gene; every strand of DNA in our host’s body lacks the NF1 gene. The gene never appeared here in our host’s body at all. Neurofibrosis causes our host to grow tumourous growths all over his nervous system and it causes him extreme amounts of pain. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, however, our host can be treated by radiation therapy as well as chemo to lessen the symptoms or to combat, if contracted, cancerous growths on his body. He can also have the growths removed it it is causing him great amounts of distress. Unfortunately, this condition that has affected his body will worsen with age, but on the bright side, it won’t affect his life expectancy much. It should also be noted that he can’t hear very well, and that the muscular system is weakened constantly. Leading to a skinny appearance. We can only hope that a cure is developped, but unfortunately, until then, our host will suffer.
Part 2:
- What does it do to a person?
- what causes it?
- Is it lethal?
- what kind of mutation is it?
- is it curable?
- are there treatments?
How info was collected:
Mainly used google, basically, I just typed in the name of the disorder into the search bar and clicked whatever showed up. I basically didn’t take anything that looked sketchy, and I took info I gathered from”third parties” and I compared them to more reliable sources, like wikipedia.
I also used easybib to cite my sources. basically, all you do is type in the URL of the website and it collects all needed info for the citation for you.
How it went: Collecting info went really easily. The main problem I had with this assignment was to use more formal language while still keeping to the criteria and not making it a report about the disease. Honestly, I disliked the style that you were supposed to present it in, as it does not seem informative or professional. So I decided the best way to do things was to make it so that it would make sense that his story could be told from the perspective from a gene in the cell, but to not use any first-person terms.
“Neurofibromatosis.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016
Science app review
I have chosen google chrome as my app. Chrome is popular high-speed internet browser. It isn’t a dedicated science app, however, with it, you can access many documents and search a lot of info on science. If it is on the web, you can find it. Plus, you can use it for scientific reasons in a number of ways. For example, you can search up any question and find it almost instantaneously. You can also use any program you find to aid in whatever it is you’re doing.
For example, if I wanted to find out what element number 95 was on Chrome, I simply need to type it in the search bar. Immediately, I get my answer. It’s americium. The reason I chose chrome over other internet browsers is because chrome is the fastest and the easiest. While things like internet explorer and Firefox are notorious for their slow speed and taking forever to work or load pages.
Some shortcomings I can see Chrome having in the scientific field is that sometimes it may take hour to find documents you are looking for for research. That’s not to say pages load slowly, but it’s because the internet is usually cluttered with junk, and Google doesn’t know exactly what you are looking for, so you may have to search through the junk sometimes until you find what you need.
It can solve a variety of problems and help with many a school project. It makes it considerably easier to do research, and it can help you study with the endless amount of tools on the internet. To sum up, Chrome may not be a dedicated science app, but it can definitely help.
Chemical research – Potassium Cyanide
what: Potassium Cyanide. Molecular formula: KCN
why: used for: Photography, gold/silver extraction, metal products.
who: produced by various chemical-producing companies around the world.
where: Usually manufactured in Japan, China, Britain or the US.
How: usually produced by mixing hydrogen cyanide with potassium hydroxide and causing a reaction. In earlier times, it was made by decomposing hydrogen ferrocyanide.
when: before 1900s.