Community connections

For my community connections project, I interviewed an artist named: MC Kudge as his group name within the MC Virgins rap group, and Roy Okaga, his solo artist name. I chose him because I have been listening to his music with friends for the past 4 years. We had the conversation through Instagram messages.

His Instagram Account.

This is how it went:

Me: Can you explain your roles and responsibilities with your current position?

“My current role in the group is songwriter/vocalist, meaning I write my verses and record them. I’ve been working on producing but separately from the group. I also run the groups socials”.

Me: What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

“we were lucky enough to blow up pretty fast and have a smooth road to where we are at this point. our biggest obstacle was likely when we faced being defamed for certain songs all over tiktok. since then we edited the lyrics and apologized publicly so we’re smooth sailing now”.

Me: What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“the biggest advice id pass down to someone interested in music is to take the first step and not worry about public opinion. it’s ok to not get the streams you wish for as long as you’re getting out there and doing what you love”.

Me: Why are you passionate about your job or role?

” i’m very passionate about my job because since i could remember i’ve wanted to be a part of the music industry. music is the biggest part of my life and i’m blessed to have the opportunity to do what i love professionally at such a young age”.

Me:  Who was your inspiration when you were starting out?

“my biggest inspiration when starting out and to this date is Tyler the creator. he was one of the first artists to spark my love music and his mantra of being your authentic self and doing what you love despite what others think is something i try to live by”.

Me: Lastly, how did you and the others get together and decide to make music?

“it all started back in 2018 when i heard a song joey, alec, and adam made. joey had been my close friend since freshman year so i hit him up telling him i loved the song and i wanted to make some with them. i first started recording with them for our first album, “mc virginity,” as an honorary member. after we released that album i became a full time member of the group and we’ve been making music ever since”

(Joey, Alec, and Adam are his fellow group members).

From this interview I’ve learned that  celebrities advice is most commonly some form of; “take the risk and not worry about what others”, or something along the lines of that. “Be yourself” or “Don’t Listen to what others think” are examples of other ways to say this. It’s a common trend that a lot of people choose to ignore so that they can fit in. I think it’s very important to embrace the traits that make you different, otherwise life would be a bland, boring blur.

Here’s some of his work that I really enjoy:



One thought on “Community connections”

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublogs post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Good links to your connection’s work; consider having your connection make a comment on your post
    – Good work sharing what you learned on your Edublogs portfolio

    Thank you,

    Mr. Robinson and Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teachers

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