Indigenous-Explorations-Residential Schools

This is my reflection about the Indigenous Exploration Project. This was an adventure of both gaining knowledge, and losing my faith in some of humanity.

My experience stands in the middle of good and bad. Not because it was difficult or anything, but because of how much we were able to learn about the horrors and the experiences of those who were there to see it first-hand.

Our project was on the Kamloops Residential School, also known as the first school where we found the dozens of bodies of indigenous children. The school itself was like any ordinary Residential school, but the bloody and terrible secret it held was kept from the public for so long. This made our experience a lot easier than a lot of other project ideas because there was so much information about the School, due to it being under the spotlight for quite some time.

The way we approached this idea was by assigning a bunch of topics to each other and finding stuff about those individual topics. We then put it all on a word document and organized it into a 6 minute long script. We split it up depending on which notes we did, for example, I would speak about the bands in the area that would have attended the school, and a groupmate would speak upon behalf of a victims story. It was really easy and we didn’t run into many obstacles, but even if we ran into a few we were still able to find solutions.

The obstacles we did run into was really just the research and finding articles that weren’t just about the children and the children only,  but more about the school and the victims that attended it. We overcame this by finding as many pieces of information as we could, and scraping every last bit that we could find. There was definitely more than enough for our 6-8 minute requirement but we decided to only get the more important parts from the articles and scriptures.

Overall, I enjoyed this experience. I learned new things, and I was able to do it with friends. I hope that we can do more projects like this in the future, because if we forget the past there is always a chance we repeat it.

One thought on “Indigenous-Explorations-Residential Schools”

  1. Thank you for posting your “Indigenous Exploration” audio project (podcast). As the assignment was completed for both English 9 and COL, I have the following feedback for you on the post:

    – All elements of the assignment’s post were well done and properly uploaded
    – Reflection on blog somewhat explains process taken to complete the assignment
    – My only suggestion is do not laugh when you mispronounce words. Just try your best and move on, as the rest of the content was well put together.
    – Clear audio quality and delivery
    – Podcast is well done

    Overall, this assignment was well done. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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