Mountain Journey Summary

Jadon 10/6/21 

A Mountain Journey Summary 


  1. Dave Conroy was out in the wilderness on a 6-week-trapping trip. 
  1. The reader knows he is in deep trouble when he realizes that his hands are frozen stiff and is not able to move his fingers around. 
  1. 3 big mistakes that Dave made was at the first stop when he didn’t rest at the tree. If he got a little bit more rest. He also shouldn’t have set up camp and changed clothes so he wouldn’t have fallen into the river.  
  1. The setting is a Mountain somewhere in the North, in the middle of March in the early 1900s. The effect this has on the plot and theme creates multiple problems for Conroy, including freezing temperatures, numb fingers and feet, and terrain. 
  1. I have seen multiple stories and movies like this one, but I’ve forgot most of their names. All I remember is that Daniel Radcliffe was in it, and it was in a South American forest. 

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