When I started my desmos project, I had difficulty finding a suitable image, that I could animate and would have similar shapes so that I would not have to keep repeating functions. In the end I ended up drawing a picture with shapes that I knew how to graph and had lots of potential for movement. I started with the water since that was very straightforward and used sign graphs with a slider for both the amplitude and horizontal translation. I repeated these graphs, shading in between with custom colours. The slider variable I used for the horizontal movement was used also for the birds, clouds, and boat but I doubled or tripled the value so that they moved at different rates. I found the lighthouse and cliff easy to draw since they were stationary. For the lighthouse I found I had to create multiple folders for some of the graphs to be in front of others since the colours and shading were opaque. I added more animations with the lighthouse light which is a circle with a variable radius and horizontal movement, this created the effect of a spinning light. Initially I had planned to use tan graphs for the grass, since the asymptotes would mean I needed less graphs for individual blades of grass. Unfortunately, after talking to my teacher I learned that I was not able to properly restrict the graphs using desmos, so I had to do many individual tan graphs instead.

The boat was the most complex piece to graph since it is made-up of multiple functions but their vertical and horizontal translations had to be the same so that they moved cohesively. I knew what the values should be for the variables, however the restrictions made it more challenging since they had to move to. I made sure to set the sliders to the origin when starting a new section of the functions and carefully measured the values for the restrictions, adding them to the values of the sliders so that they would follow the objects. The clouds and birds are set to move on opposite horizontal sliders this way, they moved in opposite directions from each other. The clouds are semi circles that were repeated, and the shading was semi transparent so that as they overlapped, the shading appeared darker. In order to add the exponential and logarithmic functions, I added a shooting star which is an exponential function where the domain restrictions are on sliders so only a portion of it will show making it appear to be moving. Rather than animating the flower stems to move like the grass, I instead chose to make the flowers move which gave it a lighter, floating look to the animation. The biggest challenge was the restrictions, especially the ones that were moving, since at first I didn’t realize the sliders had to be set to zero. While doing this assignment, I got a lot of practice graphing and writing restrictions. It was a good refresher on translations especially. I found that the best strategies were to keep everything organized into folders from the beginning and to repeat as many graphs as possible to avoid repeating functions.


Link to Desmos project

Original drawing: