Your Job could be worse….

This article interested me because it looked like the author wrote an insightful story on a mans life and his job as a mailman. I wanted to read the story because I always like to hear what other peoples lives and jobs are like in detail. Every human has their circumstances and problems that they deal with in life and in this article it showed what this mailman’s life is like on the job on the coldest route in New York. It also showed how he ended up getting the job in the first place. The author made this article very insightful by showing the exact key details of how the mailman became a mailman and what circumstances he is living with while working. In one part it is shown that he has 3 daughters and one of their college tuition’s for a year is just five thousand dollars less than his yearly salary. After, the mailman explains how grateful he is for scholarships and such so that his children are able to go to such highly ranked post secondary schools. By the author including elements like him showing his gratitude because of his circumstances, it illustrates the real world problems people deal with that you may not experience or see. This makes me feel sympathetic for the man that he does not have a job good enough to fully support all 3 of his kids but he wants to do his best to make sure they are well educated. He shows that by going out everyday all “armored up” to brave the cold and deliver the mail. Even when the author compares his 2 brothers to the mailman which are both successful, it makes me feel sympathetic that this hard working individual does not have a better life/ job. The article exemplifies that even though you may not like your job, if you work inside during the cold months you are already way better off than the mailman and you should not be complaining because you could be in his shoes.