June 21

Digital Poetry Project

16 – Jacob Granville

16 years old

And years to come

I grasp how reality is turning cold

And time is on the run.


Life is a journey,

Takes you up and down,

Consumes your energy,

And brings you back around.


Years ahead,

A while to go.

Not looking at past tread

Take a chance, one more free-throw.


Savour good days

As some can be short, or ceaseless, but sweet

The Sun sets in quick phase

Don’t dissolve in defeat.



In the poem, “16”, Jacob Granville depicts how life is very short and not any of it should be taken for granted or wasted from the time you are young to the day you die. He encourages people to go out and spend every minute of life having fun and don’t be afraid to try new things. Although this narrative poem is pretty straightforward and understandable, it has a meaningful insight to life. The tone of this poem is relatively sad noticing how life has gone by so quick, but it’s also spoken in an inspirational tone.

Many literary devices are used in this poem to make the reader have more of an emotional attachment which helps each individual relate. Some of which include: metaphors, personification, similes, and an abundance of alliteration. Along with all this, there is a definite rhyme scheme going ‘abab cdcd efef ghghg’. He reminds people of our society of just how, “reality is turning cold” by every passing day. The imagery in this metaphor defines how every day is becoming history and people just don’t take advantage of all the things they can do with their lives. The first stanza is all about how life flies by quickly and with few memories. 16 is a significant number because that is the age in which many responsibilities are catching on, kids start to become adults, and get jobs. As soon as they realize this, they look back at their lives and wish they would’ve done more as a kid even if there was nothing more they could do. The second stanza reflects on the struggles and memories life has in store for us. The purpose of this message is to point out the fact that problems have been all throughout time and will keep coming so don’t let them hold you back from living life to the fullest. The third quatrain discusses how to look forward to your future rather than look back into the rough patches of your past. Jacob advises people to, “Take a chance, one more free-throw” in this stanza. This line represents how instead of being scared of trying something new, “take a chance” and don’t always be worried about the outcome. The forth stanza illustrates, with many uses of alliteration, to make memories of all the good times in life and don’t let stress and fear overcome them. Another meaning is when some days are short some are “ceaseless, but sweet”. ‘Ceaseless’ has a denotation of being unending, which is paradoxical to the idea of a short day, but it can also have a connotative meaning in this poem. Unceasing is a word that means the same thing but rather more negative. ‘Ceaseless’ is used to describe the unending good days rather than meaning long lasting bad days. Along with alliteration throughout the last stanza, there is also a strong use of consonance with the ‘s’ sound.

May 21

Fahrenheit 451 and WALL-E to Current Society – Comparison Essay

Our world is being slowly taken over by the realm of technology; a theme which many authors and producers have portrayed in movies and novels. Some of which include Fahrenheit 451 and WALL-E. Fahrenheit 451 is a utopian and dystopian fiction novel written by Ray Bradbury. This satirical novel depicts certain aspects of the human condition and the way society is heading in terms of our relationship with technology. In a time where people have lost any kind of memory and feelings for one another, the protagonist, Montag has a question about the meaning of life that he is desperate to answer. WALL-E is a computer animated science fiction film produced by Pixar. Similar to Fahrenheit 451, a robot, in this case, goes on a mission to discover what life used to be like before it went to waste and before everyone was absorbed in technology. In both WALL-E and Fahrenheit 451, the protagonist goes on a heroic journey to rediscover the meaning of life by recognizing how superiors manipulate them, how they are controlled by technology and then influence a change to rebuild society.

Corporate manipulation plays an enormous role in the control and power the government can have over the people and how they think. In Fahrenheit 451, everyone is a consumer starting from a young age. People were encouraged to believe in and do what the government decided was right. If someone did not conform to society, like Clarisse, they would be “sent away”, or killed. The firemen are a perfect example of how people can be manipulated. They burn books but they have no idea why. If they are told by a more respected person, it must be true and followed through with. When Montag was being searched for, they lost him and so they came across a random man, “’There’s Montag! The search is done!’ The innocent man stood bewildered” (Bradbury 142).  This can really relate to how Donald Trump won the US election with barely any legitimate facts. He just carried on saying things that he thought would benefit his campaign, which it did. The fact that most of Americas votes went to someone saying false facts shows how easily people can be manipulated by just believing others without question. In WALL-E, Buy and Large (BNL) took similar steps to influencing the people on the Axiom and gaining the power to peoples’ thoughts. The CEO of BNL is the “President” which indicates the power companies have over the people and their lives when in reality he should just be a ‘behind the scenes’ kind of guy rather than directing peoples’ lives. One example of this in our society is the Sinclair Broadcasting Group who controls most of America’s news stations. As the video above demonstrates (see blog), this corporation has many spokespeople who have once worked for Trump and they share very biased information to defend him. Each station was given a script to read on the news about biased information which is ironic because they are being told what to say on each and every US broadcasting station. The fat people in WALL-E are easily persuaded by anything that shows up on the big screens, which are much like the parlor walls in 451. The ship they are traveling on is like one big advertisement and doesn’t leave time for people to do anything but have routinely fun. The kids were being taught the alphabet in a way that every letter was a start to one object relative to what BNL wants them to know. This shows how they are being brainwashed and influenced to be a consumer at such a young age rather than a citizen. They don’t even talk about life outside of the ship because they don’t even know there is something “out there”.

The government, a corporation, or a high power group of people always take power to influence the way people think through technology to have control over them. Along the plots of 451 and WALL-E, the broadcasting corporations gained control of society by telling people what to think, through TV or their seashells, instead of letting people think for themselves. The totalitarian corporations saw that people, left with their own thoughts and ideals, would be out of control and therefor needed to direct (or more like control) their thoughts. In 451, they believe that if everyone is equal and the same, nobody will go against society, therefore the people are controlled as long as they are ‘happy’. And if there are no minorities, then nobody will be unpleased.  Fear is a huge factor that is implemented into society if anyone has even the intent of doing something wrong. These people who don’t conform to society are called “misfits” and then they are sent ‘away’ such as Clarisse and her family, and the women who was burned in her house. People live fast-paced lives to separate them from thought. For example, they have minimum speed limits instead of a maximum and they do lots of school sports which don’t require much thought but keeps them active. David Brooks explained in his article ‘Time to Do Everything Except Think’ that, “if you are consumed by the same information loop circulating around everyone else, you don’t have anything to stimulate you into thinking differently” which is demonstrated in WALL-E. This loop of information is like the TV screens on their pods or the big advertisements on the Axiom. Even when the news suggested trying the new blue suit, everyone got excited and did it right away. Nobody even took a minute to remember that that was just suggested a couple of days before most likely. If they are always so busy with entertainment, then they really never have time to question themselves and self-reflect. One Ghanaian proverb once said, “To fish, the water is invisible” and to humans the water is like technology. Today, people are so immersed in technology that they are unaware of current events happening around us. On the advanced ship, there are many robots who do all the jobs for them so they stay bored and have more time to do nothing. Everything is already programmed for them so all they have to do is sit there and focus on what is right in front of them rather than looking around and noticing reality. Even the captain leading the ship just went along with the routine and never though why. As soon as WALL-E came on board, lots of changes started to occur such as the people actually looking around and being amazed about literally everything. The captain is given the book to rebuild society and he doesn’t even know what it is which relates to the lack of knowledge in Fahrenheit 451 in terms of not being able to have books. In today’s society, technology is on the rise and slowly people are becoming more emerged in it. People suffer anxiety when they have to leave their phone and put it down which demonstrates they’re addiction and attraction to having them in their lives. Along with these addictions, people are also insistent on instant gratification and are always willing to spend money. When an individual does want reform they will be labelled as crazy just because of their want to go against the norm.

In 451 and WALL-E, society undergoes some problems from the consequences of technology. After Montag and WALL-E notice what those problems are, they start the change to help rebuild society starting with little changes at first. Montag went on a unique heroic journey after the moment he met Clarisse when he started to question society. When Montag started to read books he realized that they still hold knowledge and peoples thoughts from maybe back when society wasn’t so controlled by technology. The efforts Montag needs to take to rebuild society have to be smart and he cannot encourage the same mistakes in the past to happen again. Granger compared the fire to a phoenix because he noticed that that was exactly what they were doing; creating a fire and hopping right back into it. Granger told Montag that they are, “going to build a mirror-factory first and put out nothing but mirrors for the next year and take a long look in them” (Bradbury 157).  This is a promise of a better future and how they are going to go into deep reflection of themselves and society. The tree of life in the end of the story was symbolic of hope and optimism of a new era which was also portrayed in the credits of WALL-E. WALL-E’s journey was quite similar to Montag’s in the way how he inspired change to their technology based reality. WALL-E started his journey when he started to find a whole bunch of items that humanity left behind including a love film. These items were similar to the books Montag found which made them both question the meaning of life. Unlike 451, in WALL-E the people were receptive to learning and starting over again ever since the moment they looked away from the TV right in front of them. In the end, they went back to their trash filled Earth and started to rebuild life. Our current society is very similar to this novel and film except today is more at the redemption stage rather than rebuilding. People need to self-reflect on issues more, think independently without influence from media, and to be a citizen first and a consumer second.

Similar to today’s society, WALL-E and Fahrenheit 451 demonstrate many aspects of our lives such as corporate manipulation and the influence technology has over our lives. Then, once people recognize these problems, they can help rebuild or make things right in society. Both WALL-E and Montag undergo a heroic journey starting with something simple like reading books or finding items left behind from humans which encourage them to look for what life was once like and make sure society doesn’t make the same mistakes again.


Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. Simon & Schuster, 2013.

Pixar Animations, Walt Disney Pictures. WALL-E, 2008.

Mokalla, Matteen and Jensen, Taige. “Sinclair: Worse Than One Viral Video”, NYTimes, 2018.

Brooks, David. “Time to Do Everything Except Think”, 2001.


May 14

Breathing is Surprisingly More important than Meditation Itself?

Link to Article

Image result for breathing

I was intrigued by this article because I love just taking time to breathe and I have many relatives who love to do yoga, in which I did not really know the full purpose of. This author was very insightful because this topic is not very common and he talked on how people are wasting their time and money on yoga classes when they can just do a “1:2 inhale exhale breathing ratio”. This article was very informative and now I also have knowledge to transfer over to other family members to help them with their yoga/meditation addictions. This article mainly connected to my life in the way that my family members could use this information, I get stressed pretty easily, which could help me, and that there are easier methods to use to calm yourself down rather than spending money to let someone teach you. This article also demonstrated a portion of the human condition in the way that people will spend whatever they have to, to deal with their emotions rather than doing something as simple as just breathing.

April 12

Multivitamins are not only ineffective, but dangerous – BlogLog

Link to article

junk vitamins

This article gathered my attention because I am used to eating multivitamins sometimes, without problems, and I have been told that they help prevent mild-sicknesses, cancer and heart diseases. I found this piece of writing very insightful because it stated that these pills actually increase your risk of heart failure and prostate cancer. Apparently for more than half of Americans – 68% of adults over age 65 – has a multivitamin as a part of a daily ritual. These multivitamins actually overload your body with 10 – 20 times the recommended daily allowance. This article is a great demonstration towards the human condition. It represents how people are just taking whatever sounds right rather than what they know is right. A large part of the problem is how willing people will still take the pills without even knowing what is in them. It is even required to have “not evaluated by the FDA” on the container but typically this is is small print which people will glance over. Instead people will look at the unproven health claims written in bold and bright letters. The author and researchers involved recommend eating more natural food rather than these multivitamins because it is proved to be more healthy and have more benefits than the pills. These few statements have personally changed by thoughts on multivitamins and I will make sure to eat more healthy food instead of pills, and also to look further into what I am digesting.

February 8

Eagles Catch Their First Super Bowl Championship in 57 Years – BlogLog

Link to article

This article really intrigued me because I love watching football and I love the Super Bowl. Even though I wanted the Patriots to win it, the outcome was still very inspiring because the underdogs came out on top. The author of this article obviously had some background in football because it was very factual and it gave me a lot of insight on some things that I did not realize during the game. In a sense, this article was also quite humorous because he made a few jokes about the Eagles being “underdogs”. Someone realized that it was the Chinese year of the dog then said, “So maybe the odds are in our favor”. This article can be related to my life because at this point in my life I am young and have not really set up a reputation of my self to others yet. Throughout life, I want to put in work and communicate with lots of people and one day end up on the top with the best I can do. Something else that was inspiring from this article stated that the backup quarterback played the entire game and then they won. Apparently this has never been done before in the Championship match, so this demonstrated a lot of confidence in his character that I found admirable.