A mountain journey questions

  1. Dave Conroy was trapping for fur
  2. When he falls into the river and gets wet
  3. Wearing more clothes, Making a fire, having an extra set of clothes to change into
  4. Exposition: is about a man who is alone in the mountains trying to find a place to stay. Complicating incident:  He refused to camp out under a tree. 3 Crises When he fell into the river, when he got out and didn’t dry off, When he said his hands and feet were not frozen even though he couldn’t move his feet, When he found out the cabin he was going to stay at over night had burnt down.
  5. The setting is outside in the mountains its cold the time frame is during the fur trade.
  6. he looked back, while still sliding forward with the momentum of his descent, the ice broke.
    beneath him. He thought the ice was sturdy and could hold his weight or he did not see the ice.

Metaphor: the cold was an old man’s fingers feeling craftily through his

Simile: He was beginning to feel like a ghost on an
abandoned planet and he wanted to see the works of man about him once again

Personification: It broke with a low muffled reverberation, startling as if the river had spoken

Figurative language: a man was a fool to
travel alone in the mountains,