Tag: #personalawarenesscc

All about me and reflection


Self-Reflection- personal


I can Identify my characteristics by knowing my personality type. My personality type is ISTJ which stands for introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging. I think that these represent me well because I am an introverted and quiet person who tends to think about things a lot. Some of the things I think about are the future or what other people are thinking about certain things. I can also sense things like people’s personalities and how they are feeling when I am around them and guess it right most of the time. I also tend to be more on the judgmental side because it is always how I have been with other people because I am normally more of a closed off person. I am not a very energetic person because I am not the most social person out there, but I still enjoy making friends. I like to have smaller groups of friends and I need to have some alone time every day.


I can describe my learning style; I am mainly a visual learner and I learn best by seeing things like examples and making color coded notes to be able to identify and memorize things visually in my mind, so I am able to succeed in what I am doing. When I need to remember something, I think of a certain image and put it with what I need to know and remember it. Other ways I can succeed in class are by paying good attention and by making sure I am sitting in the front or near the front so I can focus well and do what I need to do.