CLE 10 – self assessment – House hunters project



Name: Jaclyn Phelan


Date:  January 28th 2021



Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.








This project affected my thinking skills by thinking about money and financial planning for the future when I decide to move out and find a good place to live and I am able to be happy and financially stable. It has also helped me realize that not all houses, apartments and townhouses are insanely overpriced and that it is not impossible to live and be stable on your own in BC if you have a good job and you budget your needs correctly. I know that I am more prepared and responsible to be renting a house, basement suite or apartment because I have been properly informed about the expenses of living and budgeting in BC.


I think that it can further develop my thinking skills by continuing to do more research about the financial things in life like cars and childcare. I have learned much more about financial things because of this course, I find it very useful.












How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?

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