App: The Periodic Table Project
Define: Find an app you can use for the chemistry unit in science and then proceed to write a review using solution fluency.
1. Will it cost money to use?
2. Will this app actually be useful for my learning?
3. How are they going to teach me chemistry?
My Dream is to make chemistry the easiest it can be and then be aloud to use this in class and have everyone use this and have it be class wide.
My plan of action was to browse through the apple app store and try out and read the reviews of a variety of apps, then choose the one I like best.
The app that I chose was called The Periodic Table Project that is circulated around the periotic table and I find this extremely helpful and easy to use. I am a visual learner and this app gave examples of what each element does and the atomic number and such.
App description:
Small app, periodic table layout, easy to use, for all smart phones and tablets.
Overall this app is very useful for visual learners like me and anyone who needs help under standing what the element is and what it is used for. This app might not be useful for people that are in higher grades and that have memorized the periodic table but for me coming into grade 9 and knowing little about each element, this will be very helpful to me and other people.
This app also fetures a A-Z list of all the elements and a scroll wheel to quickly find a element.