Rube Goldberg Project
Explanation of all the steps:
A little lego guy (A) is released from a wooden tower down a zip line and hits the marble ball (B) down the wooden ramp (C) after the ball goes to the end of the wooden ramp it will fall into the paper cup (D) and will come out the bottom which will make it land on the set mous trap (E) once the mouse trap goes off it will hit the dominos (F) and they will all fall which will cause the marble (G) on the wood ramp to roll down and hit the next set of dominos (H) once they go off they will cause the tennis ball (I) to fall into the plastic cup (J) and out of the bottom hole onto a binder/ ramp (K) which will then hit the upside down bottle (L) at the end forcing it to be hit off the chair and onto the ground where the duck tape will catch it and make it land on its cap.
Energy Transfers:
(A) Kinetic to (gravitational) Potential
When the lego man is going down (kinetic) the zip line he stops ( potential) when he hits the marble.
(E) Kinetic to Sound/ Elastic
When the marble falls (kinetic) onto the mouse trap it creates a loud sound (sound).
When the marble falls (kinetic) onto the mouse trap it the spring (elastic) closes the mouse trap.
(G)Potential to Kinetic
When the marble is still (potential) It is then hit by the dominos causing it to move (kinetic) down the ramp.
Making babies
The babies name is Junior he has dark blue eyes, a cleft chin, curly black hair, he is dark skinned, and has a regular nose. These traits were given by his parents because they had a lot of these traits.
Edublog Post
3. Answer the following questions:
a. How does the coin flip relate to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions?
Its 50/50 like how the the genes are 50/50 between parents
b. How does this simulation accurately represent or not represent real life?
It accurately represents the chances of getting each gene. It shows the chance of getting different traits on a baby which represents how a baby might be in real life off dominant genes.
c. Did you identify any prejudices you might have about what traits you find “desirable”? Where do you think these prejudices come from?
I had prejudices as I did not like the very pointy chin with square head. I think these prejudices come from our idea of normal and/or what looks good