How did the discovery of DNA prove Darwins theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future?
Darwins theory was that the species have changed but they all evolved from one common ancestor millions of years ago. With the discovery of DNA scienctists have been able to study and compare the DNA of humans to other animals. This discovery proves that Darwins theory is correct because scientists were able to find out how changes in DNA were made for each organism to adapt to its environment. Darwins theory and the discovery of DNA made people question their beliefs as most people had believed that it was God who put all living beings on earth when in actuality it was DNA and evolution that made everything as it is today. No one would have ever believed that ancient fish evolved to become the ancestor of all for limbed animals without the disease of DNA. The similarities between monkeys/chimpanzees and such was just merely a coincidence to the minds of people in the past but thanks to Darwin and his theory that humans evolved from monkeys scientists were able to prove that it was in fact true. In fact humans share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees which means there’s only a difference of 1% in our DNA. This raises the question of what exactly differentiates us from monkeys. The discovery of DNA has opened up all types of possibilities to furthering our knowledge of evolution and without Darwins theory we may have never known all of this.