Does Caffeine Stunt Our Growth?

All our lives we have been told that coffee stunts our growth, but does it actually? According to an article from Harvard Medical School, there is no scientifically valid evidence to suggest that coffee can stunt a persons growth. Some people believe that coffee can cause osteoporosis which can be associated with a loss of height but coffee does not cause osteoporosis. There are studies that suggests a link between people who drink coded and a lack of calcium and vitamin D. The lack 0f calcium and vitamin D can in fact lead to osteoporosis but this is not because of coffee. The article mentions that most people tend to start drinking caffeine after most of their growing is done and one or two sips as a kid isn’t going to stop that growing process. A recent study tracked 81 teenagers for 6 years and found no difference in bone density between the teens who consumed a lot of coffee and those who barely had any. Although there are some more minor health issues in regards to coffee consumption there are really no major issues. In fact nutritionists are more worried about the other ingredients added in to coffee. To conclude, the old wives tale that coffee stunts is completely false. Coffee can lead to other health problems such as making us hyper and increasing our heart rate but it does not stop us from growing. If you want to blame your lack of height on something, blame it on your parents because being short is due to your genes, not because of your coffee consumption.

One thought on “Does Caffeine Stunt Our Growth?

  1. Great work, Holly. When building arguments, make sure you specifically refer to studies used, as you did with the first one mentioned but not the second. Your argument is excellently constructed.

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