Synthesis Essay

   Reflection 2 things I did well: use of quotes and formatting grammar, spelling, and mechanics 2 things to improve: keeping my work less complicating removing irrelevant information

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To Kill A Mockingbird Journals

Reading-Journal-Template-gr.-11-1zkhl3u (1)-v9eb57 I highly recommend this book because its a classic, its the kind of book that will make you want to reread. The plot is very interesting, its filled with mystery, adventure, and lessons. Throughout this story, racism is symbolized and represented in many ways and helps people visualize the negative effects of racism….

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Narrative Essay

Two things I did well I believe that I did a good job when it came to creating a voice by using personal experiences in the past. The dialogue is something I feel I did well on considering how I don’t have much practice with it. Two things I would like to improve Punctuation and…

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Dystopia Assignment

Wake, Listen, Repeat There’s no place like home Waking up to the sound of the TV’s buzz, instead of birds Rising to see, not my family, but technology The sight of dark light from tech, and not daylight Its perfect… at least that’s what he tells me Listen, listen to the voice The voice of…

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The Human Condition

In the film This is Our World by Steve Cutts, a young boy has become depressed by how this world has changed: A world that has become one hundred percent digital, where eyes were fixated onto the screens of smart phones, a place where emotions have been robbed by technology. As this child walks around…

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