Wake, Listen, Repeat

There’s no place like home

Waking up to the sound of the TV’s buzz, instead of birds

Rising to see, not my family, but technology

The sight of dark light from tech, and not daylight

Its perfect… at least that’s what he tells me

Listen, listen to the voice

The voice of the one that makes me alone

The voice of a bot screaming in my ear, bringing tears to my eyes and frosty heat to my fingers

Forcing me to be ordinary, which I know is necessary

I obey, or else they may

Take away my life today

Day after day

Wake, listen, repeat

Wake, fear, repeat


Image result for dystopian society


This poem is trying to represent a dystopian society that is overwhelmed with technology and is controlled by one person. The society is scared and alone, having to obey orders given from the dictator. Also getting threatened when over exceeding others in life, this poem can be related to the story “Harrison Bergeron” as they both include similar aspects of a dystopian society. This poem explores a few poetic devices such as oxymoron and assonance, as well as expresses an anxious and troubled tone.

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