In the film This is Our World by Steve Cutts, a young boy has become depressed by how this world has changed: A world that has become one hundred percent digital, where eyes were fixated onto the screens of smart phones, a place where emotions have been robbed by technology. As this child walks around in shock, he witnesses many people faking their lives, as well as seeing people ignore beautiful factors that life offers. The child tries to bring these people back to reality, but they don’t stop. They consistently keep filming tragic disasters without exposing any feelings and have officially become obsessed. The child gives up on helping the ones who have been charmed by screens, while the rest of the world begins to throw their lives away. Technology can be useful, but when we aren’t careful we can become addicted. This video tells us that we should live in the real world instead of the digital world and motivates us to not put our trust in reality.


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