March/April Lab Reflection

1. I chose this lab for the reflections because this was my favorite lab (other than the chicken yakisoba), the taste of white sauce was good because of the extra seasoning we put into it and the noodles were cooked very well (al dente). Also we as a group worked very well together and did…

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Salad Rolls!

Mise-En-Place Final Product Questions 1. Yes, because it was interesting to work with the wraps (rice paper) and also working with noodles again just like we did in the ramen lab. Also working with my hand when making the rolls was something I haven’t really done before which was fun to learn and try. Plus…

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Whirligig Introductory Assignment

A better decision Life is a difficult journey to face and it is one that has its ups and downs. As teenagers we are always gaining more stress from school and our social lives. We try to become more popular by following how others act because we think that the real person inside of us…

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