The Fusebox:

App Description

The fusebox is a circuit building website. There are 3 levels on the website, level 1 are for beginners who don’t really have a good idea about circuits, level 2 are for more practice with series circuits, and the final level, level 3 helps you practice and learn more about parallel circuits. The main purpose of this website is to help people with their level of skill with circuits and to get some extra practice with circuits and other tools they use in the website.



The problem I created and was trying to solve was how to make parallel circuits and how we can get a better understanding of them.                                      -What is a parallel circuit?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -What does a parallel circuit look like?                                                                                                                                                                                                            -How are parallel circuits and series circuits different?                                                                                                                                                                                -Will this app help me fix my problem?


My dream is to understand series and parallel circuits very well so i can get a good mark on all my tests i will have in grade 9 or the future.


This website is very good with helping people make circuits and also learn about circuits in general but can only help you up to a certain level of skill with circuits. With the small amount of levels provided in the website you wont be able to get far with circuits but it is a very strong place to start your learning. Not really recommended for advanced students but highly recommended to starters.


Fusebox overall is very well constructed website/app. It is a very beneficial app and nicely put together to help students with circuits. The app is also nice for studying and can help with anyone having difficulties or struggles with circuits. Since the app has 3 levels it is great for beginners to slowly grow with circuits one level at a time.  One thing i really like about the app is that there is a “help” button located near the top of the constructing area, it explains how to work the app and what you have to do to make the circuit work correctly. If i were able to add something to this app, it would be to add more levels for the students who have better understanding with circuits and just want to practice them in their free time. I would highly recommend this app/website to any student who is working on the circuit unit in science. The app is also free, i placed the link at the top of this review page.

One thought on “Science App Review”

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