What would happen if our Solar System’s gas giants never existed?
With the countless problems and indulgences that are plentiful on Earth, it’s easy to forget what is around us and be ignorant of what outside factors form the world into how we know it today. With climate change on the rise, the furthest one would let their mind wander from Earth is to the other […]
SCI10 – Final Self Assessment Goal Review and Reflection
Strengths When problem-solving, I am not afraid to make mistakes, and embrace them as a good opportunity for learning and growth. For example, when making my 3D Data Visualization project, I faced a lot of failure since I wasn’t used to making things with my hands. But I always evaluated why my plan hadn’t worked […]
ELVP10 – Core Competencies Reflection
My course planning sheet (I will also take 3D Game Design in Grade 12):
Science 10 – 3D Data Visualization Project
In stumbling across a data set concerning the suicide rates in 10-year age groups throughout many different countries, I realized that the suicide rates in those aged 65 years and older had risen significantly compared to other age groups. After comparing it to another data set on the number of nursing personnel in each country, […]
Science Honours 10 – Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes
   Step 8: Science Communication My classmate Michaela and I have conducted an experiment testing the hypothesis: if a regular paper airplane’s wings are extended by 1.5 inches, then it will fly further because it will catch more wind while not being too heavy. We made three paper airplanes, one regular plane (Plane 1) with […]
Projet d’analyse d’un célèbre photographe portraitiste (partie 6)
Processus d’obtention du coup final Tentative échouée Tentative finale Dans la première photo, je n’aimais pas que l’encadrement de la porte n’encadrait pas bien le sujet, et que l’angle n’était pas flatteur. Alors, j’ai ajusté l’angle de l’appareil photo à un angle plus haut. Aussi, j’ai modifié la photo un peu pour accentuer les ombres. […]