SCI10 – Final Self Assessment Goal Review and Reflection
When problem-solving, I am not afraid to make mistakes, and embrace them as a good opportunity for learning and growth. For example, when making my 3D Data Visualization project, I faced a lot of failure since I wasn’t used to making things with my hands. But I always evaluated why my plan hadn’t worked (usually due to insufficient planning) and applied what I learned to my next attempt.
Future growth
When collaborating in a group, I sometimes get into the habit of observing rather than actively participating, especially during labs. For example, during a lab where we had to test for gas as well as when we guided some elementary students through some labs, I ended up observing the others rather than doing the lab with them. Though I do think that being in a group of 3 contributed to the problem (groups of 3 may be too many people for a lab), this is still something I need to work on.
To improve my participation habits during labs, I will volunteer myself to take lead in every other lab or ask to take turns every lab, and will seek clarification with my group members when needed.
Goal Update:
I did not get the chance to reach my goal as we did not do any more labs for the rest of the units. But, I did get the chance to do a group project with a few peers for the Kinetic Sculpture Project and I found that I was a lot more engaged and was participating more compared to the beginning of the year. I contributed any and all ideas to my group and they were very accepting of them. I have improved greatly in my group collaboration.